Welcome to ClearPayroll

We take care of everything payroll so you don’t have to

We offer payroll services for all types clients from 1 employee to over 100 with prices
starting from as little as £2.50 per month




About ClearPayroll

ClearPayroll was founded by director Claire Hasler. With a professional proofreading background for large newspaper groups and then over 20 years of payroll experience in both private and accountancy industries, keeping things correct and on time is ingrained in the company’s DNA. Our motto is to keep it simple for the client. We understand that you are the professional in your field and probably won’t have the time to worry about ours, so let us handle it for you in the easiest way possible.

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Real Payroll Services for You

Sed tincidunt accumsan lacus nec bibendum sapien aliquet ut suspendisse pharetra. Finibus condimentum aenean lacinia sem metus Integer.

Official documents, e.g. P45 & P60

Payroll Professional

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We Take Care of Everything Payroll

We take care of everything payroll so you don’t have to. Fed up with factory process driven payroll, lack of personal service and accountability along with never hearing from the same person twice? At ClearPayroll, we understand the importance of entrusting your payroll to a knowledgeable professional. That’s why, when you join us, we assign to you a dedicated member who will provide personalised support. Our team consists of highly experienced individuals who specialise in payroll processing. Having a designated point of contact ensures peace of mind throughout the process. Once you are assigned your personal staff member, they will be available to you via email or telephone. This individual will take full responsibility for setting up your payroll accurately and will be there to address any enquiries or concerns you may have. This personalised approach guarantees the level of service you expect. By choosing the ClearPayroll Service, you not only benefit from the convenience and cost-effectiveness of outsourcing your payroll, but you also receive a human touch. You can confidently entrust your payroll to us, knowing that it will be handled promptly, accurately, and by a professional whom you can establish a great working relationship with and feeling like your own member of staff.


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Talk With Us.

For a Free Chat to Find Out More and with No Pressure

"I am a sole company director in a small business, and I couldn't believe how easy ClearPayroll made the process for me. Save your time and money by using them—I guarantee you'll recommend them yourself."

Mr. A B

"I have a team of staff members, each on different wage structures. Claire is exceptional; it feels like she works directly for our company. We've previously used several well-known firms, but they don't compare to ClearPayroll."

Mrs. G A

"We are a solicitors' firm, and our accountants were so impressed with ClearPayroll that they use their services for all their clients. They referred us, and now we understand why."

Mr. M C

    Having Trouble Managing Your Finances?

    Sed tincidunt accumsan lacus nec bibendum sapien aliquet ut suspendisse. Pharetra finibus condimentum aenean lacinia sem metus Integer dapibus diam justo.


    The Last Project We Worked On

    Sed tincidunt accumsan lacus nec bibendum sapien aliquet ut suspendisse pharetra. Finibus condimentum aenean lacinia sem metus Integer.

    Financial Restructuring

    Nunc volutpat, tortor sit amet sagittis efen sed tellus diam laoreet justo, ut elementum odio nibh eget ligula dolor dui tempus.

    Cash Flow & Tax

    Nunc volutpat, tortor sit amet sagittis efen sed tellus diam laoreet justo, ut elementum odio nibh eget ligula dolor dui tempus.

    Inventory Management

    Nunc volutpat, tortor sit amet sagittis efen sed tellus diam laoreet justo, ut elementum odio nibh eget ligula dolor dui tempus.


    Etiam quis tincidunt est et efficitur ipsum nunc mixue. Bibendum ut risus et nec vehicula.

    Choose a Package

    Etiam quis tincidunt est et efficitur ipsum nunc mixue. Bibendum ut risus et nec vehicula.

    Get Your Service

    Etiam quis tincidunt est et efficitur ipsum nunc mixue. Bibendum ut risus et nec vehicula.


    Easy Process to Manage Your Finances

    In sed nisi vel tortor ornare venenatis sit amet vel felis. Etiam sit amet odio sed nunc lacinia dictum vel quis est. Vivamus in tempor dolor. Sed eget pharetra ligula. Etiam egestas fringilla lectus, et molestie augue auctor sagittis. Nunc sit amet felis ac ex ultricies lacinia. Praesent quis ligula id tortor maximus laoreet. Fusce ultricies sed ante sollicitudin venenatis. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae.


    The Most Questions

    Proin laoreet nisi vitae pharetra mattis. Etiam luctus suscipit velit vitae mixue ultricies. Augue molestie a etiam quis tincidunt est, et efficitur ipsum nunc bibendum ut risus et vehicula proin tempus tellus diam laoreet justo donec tempus.

    Nullam vehicula congue sapien. Etiam vel neque ac arcu rutrum mixue ultricies. Maecenas felis lectus, finibus vel dui et, interdum varius lacus. Nulla ed congue aliquet vulputate nec bibendum sapien aliquet ut amatug tempus.

    Nullam vehicula congue sapien. Etiam vel neque ac arcu rutrum mixue ultricies. Maecenas felis lectus, finibus vel dui et, interdum varius lacus. Nulla ed congue aliquet vulputate nec bibendum sapien aliquet ut amatug tempus.

    Nullam vehicula congue sapien. Etiam vel neque ac arcu rutrum mixue ultricies. Maecenas felis lectus, finibus vel dui et, interdum varius lacus. Nulla ed congue aliquet vulputate nec bibendum sapien aliquet ut amatug tempus.

    Nullam vehicula congue sapien. Etiam vel neque ac arcu rutrum mixue ultricies. Maecenas felis lectus, finibus vel dui et, interdum varius lacus. Nulla ed congue aliquet vulputate nec bibendum sapien aliquet ut amatug tempus.

    Nullam vehicula congue sapien. Etiam vel neque ac arcu rutrum mixue ultricies. Maecenas felis lectus, finibus vel dui et, interdum varius lacus. Nulla ed congue aliquet vulputate nec bibendum sapien aliquet ut amatug tempus.

    Nullam vehicula congue sapien. Etiam vel neque ac arcu rutrum mixue ultricies. Maecenas felis lectus, finibus vel dui et, interdum varius lacus. Nulla ed congue aliquet vulputate nec bibendum sapien aliquet ut amatug tempus.


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